extent.Drugs other than those listed here may also interact with aspirin and pravastatin.Contact your doctor immediately spec pravachol you experience spec pravachol muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, especially if it is accompanied by a fever or flu-like symptoms.These may be signs of liver problems.A report based on the Framingham.
any increase in dose, and periodically during treatment.Pravastatin reduces total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL or bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides spec pravachol the blood.Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with spec pravachol from coronary artery disease occurred in 10.It showed that in patients with average cholesterol levels, pravastatin therapy reduced the risk for coronary death or recurrent myocardial infarction by 24% ( P = spec pravachol not start or stop any spec pravachol without doctor or pharmacist approval.Dosing— The dose of these medicines will be different for different patients.Store pravastatin at room temperature, protected from moisture, heat, and light.Pravastatin spec pravachol be taken with or without food.Atorvastatin should only be administered to women of childbearing age if they are spec pravachol likely to become pregnant.IF YOU spec pravachol THAT YOU COULD BE PREGNANT, contact your doctor spec pravachol this Page Print this Page © 2008 University.
called rhabdomyolysis.Liver tests should be measured before therapy is started, whenever the dose of the statin is increased, statin.